Zoo as Metaphor

Curated by 策展:
Orlean Lai 黎蘊賢

Collaborating artists 合作藝術家:
Au Wah-yan 區華欣
Steve Hui 許敖山
Vee Leong 馮程程
Kingsley Ng 伍韶勁
Wong Hung-fei 黃鴻飛


A zoo, a museum and an art exhibition, the linkage in between seems explicable, and also metaphorical.

Before the project began, the team has set out a parameter of not going to make it a group show, but a collaborative project. Even though the visitors may be able to recognise which parts of creation are contributed by which artists, there is not much meaning in appreciating the pieces separately. Their existence can only make sense by being perceived connectively as one whole narrative and experience.

The team has taken the exhibition space to create the narrative in full dimension. Partly fictional, partly genuine.

At the end, there is no imitation of a zoo, but a fabricated "Collection" show.
In "The Collection", some are real and some are works of creation. In the midst of collections and creations, there appears like a scenario of an unusual collector, who collects faded memories of our city...

Leaving "The Collection", our tour guide (performer) would lead you back to the living presence; where it is currently an exhibition space, but once the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club and a pier. Then, what would it be in the future?

By the end of the narrative, visitors would be reminded to remember, for something disappearing....

* * *

At last, we created -
A "performance of an exhibition" - where the artwork may look more like a scene, a setting or props;
An "experiential performance" – where it is difficult to tell between a guided tour and a performance, an individual but at the same time collective viewing experience;
A "metaphorical zoo"



藏品真真假假,在珍藏與創作之間,構成了一個場景,隱隱呈現了一個具癖好的收藏家,敘述著大概是這個收藏家對城市的觸感,隱含藉城市內不同文化、面貌 (地方)、價值、記憶的消逝……

從這個「珍藏展」,導賞員 (演員) 會帶領你慢慢回到「現場」,時空既是一個展場,是現在的油街實現、又是以往的香港皇家遊艇會,曾經是一個碼頭,那麼以後呢?


* * *

一個「歷程式演出」;介乎導覽與看表演之間,是參觀者個人、是(與表演者) 單對單、又是集體觀賞經驗的結合。

The project is under "Sparkle! Art for the Future 2014-15" of Oi!

Presented by主辦
Leisure and Cultural Services Department 康樂及文化事務署

Organised by 籌劃
Oi! 油街實現

Design Partner 設計合作伙伴
Karr Yip 葉小卡

26.7 — 5.10.2014

Exhibition Gallery 1, Oi! 
油街實現展覽廳 1 

(12 Oil Street, North Point, HK 香港北角油街12號)

more tags:

cabinet of curiosities, immersive, exhibition, one-to-one performance, heritage, collection vs artifacts, narrative


curator, producer