true /本当のこと

new sensory perception for possible realities

Can you believe in what you haven't seen? Or, can you not to believe in what you saw?
Is Reality about something what you can see, what you know, or what you are brought up to believe?

Exploring the relationship between the brain, our sensory perception and the reality we face, True is an exceptional collaboration among 10 cutting-edge Japanese artists across digital media, technology, theatre and dance. They are members of the groups Dumb Type, AbsT, rhizomatiks, Softpad, DGN and VPP.

Through the interfacing technology and the use of myoelectric sensors attached to the performers' bodies, which provide real-time triggers for sound, mechatronics, lights and video, True creates a completely synchronous, and totally new sensory experience.

"Whatever the philosophical merits of the piece, its real strength is in the melding of high technology with performance. The cause-and-effect conundrum is clear because the performers and directors have worked together to craft an environment that is not just lights and sounds accompanying dancers, but an aesthetic continuum."
– Tom Phillips, danceviewtimes, USA (2008)


探索腦袋與感官以外的真實,10位日本先端藝術家,包括來自蠢貨、発条卜、rhizomatiks、Softpad 、DGN及VPP的成員走在一起,進行了一次跨越新媒體、科技、劇場與舞蹈的實驗。

透過介面技術,配合肌電感應系統接連表演者身體,捕捉表演者的微細肌肉反應,以最直接的觸感,帶動聲音、燈光、機械及映像作出即時變化。《true /本当のこと》一個聲音、光影、動態、映像同步一體的演出,一次感官新體驗。

「作品不但引發哲性思考,演出最優秀之處更在於高科技的運用。作品透視事物因與果的清晰思辨,全賴導演與演出者成功營造的氛圍,不止於利用燈光、聲效去配合與舞者,而是連貫一體的美學。」 - 美國《danceviewtimes》,Tom Phillips (2008)

Creative Team 創作團隊

Direction/Lighting Design 導演 / 燈光設計
Takayuki Fujimoto 藤本隆行 (dumb type 蠢貨)

Choreography/Dance Performance 編舞 / 演出
Tsuyoshi Shirai 白井 剛 (AbsT, 発条卜)

Choreography/Text /Dance Performance 編舞 / 文本 / 演出
Takao Kawaguchi 川口隆夫 (dumb type 蠢貨)

Sound/Oscillation/Programming 音響 / 震動系統 / 程式設計
Daito Manabe 真鍋大度

Sound/Video/Visual Design 音響 / 映像 / 視覺設計
Takuya Minami 南 琢也 (Softpad)

Video/Programming/Web 映像 / 程式設計 / 網頁
Satoshi Horii 堀井哲史 (rhizomatiks)

Table Design/Mechanics 桌子 / 機械設計
Seiichi Saito 齊藤精一 (rhizomatiks)
Motoi Ishibashi 石橋 素 (DGN)

Myoelectric sensing/Vibration mechanism support 肌電感應 / 震動系統支援
Masaki Teruoka 照岡正樹 (VPP)

Costume Design 服裝設計
Noriko Kitamura 北村教子

Technical support 技術支援
YCAM InterLab, Color Kinetics Japan Incorporated, Tama TechLab, rhizomatiks, DGN 

true is co-produced by Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM]; 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa; Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse ; Hi Wood and dumb type Office. This piece was commissioned by and created through a residency at YCAM and world premiered at the studio B of YCAM in September 2007.

Presented by 主辦
Leisure and Cultural Services Department 康樂及文化事務署

《true /本当のこと》由山口情報藝術中心、金沢21世紀美術館、横浜紅磚倉庫、Hi Wood及蠢貨共同製作。由山口情報藝術中心的藝術家留駐計劃委約創作,於2007年9月在山口情報藝術中心作世界首演。

Hong Kong Tour

18-20.06.2010 (Fri-Sun) 8pm

Studio Theatre, Hong Kong Cultural Centre

Macau Tour

05.06.2010 (Sat) 8pm

Small Auditorium,
Macau Cultural Centre

more tags:
contemporary dance, technology, interactive, body sensor, magnetic installation,

tour organiser
