Hong Kong Arts Development Council Presents
Jockey Club New Arts Power


Four imaginative walks, 'swims' and beyond

A mountain seen as a mountain. A mountain seen as a non-mountain. A mountain utterly seen as a mountain.
(Three stages of seeing: understanding reality and illusion as one's journey of intellectual enlightenment, a quote from Chinese Zen Buddhism in Song dynasty.)

Excursions to the urban space, yet your mind flows as free as swimming in the ocean. 

A series of walking tours in five groups, each led by an artist, allow you to explore through different means the 'mountains' of our cityscape, rediscover the overlooked beauty lined between skyscrapers, old houses, sloping paths, long stairs and narrow lanes.

In order to visualize such beauty, one has to fully adopt the artists' perspectives, follow their footsteps and way of thinking, and respond to their imagination...

Curating this walking series as the finale of the JOCKEY CLUB New Arts Power campaign actually suggests a meaning of extension. Going with the oeuvre's linear progress when you sit still in the theatre is one kind of journey; shifting perspectives of constantly changing time and space when you navigate in motion is another kind of journey.  Our artists who serve as the captains of your cruises have demonstrated their respective theatre works in overseas festivals and local showcases by NAP earlier. Embarking on this series of journeys, they further develop their original creations, some stretch out from personal works, while others joyfully partner up for crossover experiments with transformed pieces, mishmash brainpower across media, and broaden the possibility of reading their work of art. 


這系列旅程, 藝術家分成五小隊,以不同方式探索這座城市山頭,在高樓與老房子之間,斜路、長梯與窄巷之間,忽爾看見山中的美。




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Turn Around (Again)
Jabin Law x Wong Hin-yan 黃衍仁 x Anthony Yeung 楊我華

Gazing at the space, contemplating its atmosphere while enjoying some sort of sheer beauty during an encounter of a site, could such physical existence unlock your imagination of certain music or sound?

It all begins from the long stairway. A void being filled up by musicians, with sounds swaying up and down, close and afar, bold and faint, echoed and vanished...

Led by our musicians, audience slowly ascend upward, embark on a musical journey and participate in an intriguing dialogue between music and space.

Moving on from the countless steps to a maze-like ramps reminiscent of M.C. Escher's imageries under the guidance of sound, one is invited to another adventure through the soundscape installation of multiple channels and sound fields. Turn Around (Again) is a shift discovery from spatial experience to the root of music,  allowing you to explore the 'loop' in a musical form.

A short journey of site-responsive music / sound creation.


然後,從長梯走進有如 M.C.Escher意象的環迴空間,歷程由聲音領航,穿越多聲道聲域裝置讓你進入另一音樂旅程。「回」-忽爾從空間歷驗回到音樂本源,以音樂探索「環迴」。


20/ 1 (Sat 六) – 2:00pm & 5:00pm
21 & 28/ 1 (Sun 日) – 12:00nn, 2:00pm & 5:00pm

Location/ route 地點/路線
Man Mo Temple / Ladder Street / Wing Lee Street Rest Garden
文武廟 / 樓梯街 / 永利街休憩花園

# Meeting Place集合地點:
Man Mo Temple 文武廟

Composer / Musicians 作曲及音樂演出
Jabin Law
Wong Hin-yan 黃衍仁

Soundscape Designer & Sound Engineer 聲景設計及音響工程
Anthony Yeung 楊我華

Dean Li (percussion 敲擊)
PMQ (vocals & guitar 人聲及結他)
Lui Ngao-yuen 呂奡元 (double bass 低音提琴)
Brian Chu 朱彥龢 (percussion 敲擊)
Eric So 蘇浩慈 (trumpet 小號)

Image Designer 形象設計
Trista Ma 馬嘉裕


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Sonic Encounter
SIU2 x Pak Sheung-chuen 白雙全

Let music be your guide, listen to the landscape. This is a journey of both reality and illusion.

It begins under the shade of a hundred-year-old tree that nearly became history. Melodies of "Temple Of Sacrifice" blows in like an auditory hallucination. Cracks of the shade conceal the city's secrets.

Along the way stand the ancient wall and railings, with series of endless stories collected in between. At the turn comes the triangle park, a transitional space as if people of different trajectories are connected. Time and space of everyone pause. Stairs on the side sink to the back lane. Unusual quietness fills the air. Quirky ideas flash through your mind. You reach the small ancestral hall at last, silently contemplate how life starts and ends. 

Hidden hints scatter along the way, you slowly explore everything by yourself, and ride on the soundscapes without a real encounter, scene after scene. 

音樂導遊,乍聽風景,一段時而真實,時而虛置的歷程。 旅程開始於差點便成為歷史的百年老樹的蔭下,幻聽般傳來《Temple Of Sacrifice》,縫隙中隱藏了城市的秘密。




20-21 & 27-28/1 (Sat & Sun 六及日)
11:30am & 3:00pm

Location/ route 地點/路線:
Hundred year-old trees at Bonham Road (close to Centre Street) / old walls & little playground / Kwong Fook Tsz at Tai Ping Shan Street
般咸道百年老樹 (近正街) / 古石牆 與 三角小公園 / 太平山街的廣福祠

#Meeting Place 集合地點:
Centre Street escalator exit (junction with Bohnam Road) 正街扶手電梯口 (般咸道終點處)

Musicians 演奏家
Ng Cheuk-yin 伍卓賢 (Sheng 笙)
Jason Lau 劉瑞中 (Zheng 古箏)
Cass Lam 林天惠 (Sanxian 三弦)
Peter Fan 樊國雄 (Piano 鋼琴)
Siuming Chan 陳學明 (Bass Guitar 低音結他)
Lawrence Tsui 徐協倫 (Drums 鼓)

Artist 藝術家
Pak Sheung-chuen 白雙全

Video Concept 影片概念
Ng Tsz-kwan 吳子昆 
Amos Lee 李業華

Video Director 影片導演
Amos Lee 李業華


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跑龍套 / ke1 le1 fe1/ Carefree
Hugh Cho 曹德寶 x Shane Aspegren

Before the grand master comes on stage, extras show up to build a compelling and powerful opening scene.

But this time, the leading role never appears, leaving the centre stage empty. Only some extras are seen continuously rolling, kicking, jumping, leaping and dancing … they perform diligently and never miss a show.

They seem to be a motley crew, mixing elements of Parkour, Tricking, Capoeira, Acrobatics, Lion Dance and Taekwondo. Together with contemporary dance frameworks and concepts, they stage a surprise attack in the corner of this city every now and then.

The music composition is equally challenging, juggling between classical music through our mobile apps to your earphones and an on-site mix of percussion, strings, winds and electronic sounds. The live elements are a mix of different styles and traditions, experimental and in free form. Audience can select between the two distinctive listening experiences on their own will.

但這次,主角始終沒有出來,舞台中心還是空空,只有「茄哩啡」絕對 carefree地在不斷翻騰、踢腿、飛跳、舞動⋯⋯他們跳得認真,絕不欺場。


音樂構作同樣具挑戰性,一邊是我們導賞手機apps 內傳進閣下耳筒的古典音樂;另一邊卻是現場敲擊、弦樂、管樂及電子,現場音樂同樣混雜不同風格傳統,實驗性且free form,由觀眾自由選擇兩種截然的聆聽經驗。


20-21 & 27-28/1 (Sat & Sun六及日)
4:00pm & 5:00pm

Location 地點:
Lan Kwai Fong Amphitheatre 蘭桂坊露天劇場

# Meeting Place 集合地點:
Lan Kwai Fong Amphitheatre (entrance at Stone Slab Street)

Choreographer 編舞
Hugh Cho 曹德寶

Composer / Musician 作曲及演奏
Shane Aspegren (percussion & electronics 敲擊及電子)

Musician 演奏
Kung Chi-shing 龔志成 (violin & wind instruments 小提琴及吹奏樂器)

Dancers 舞者
Ng Chung-wai 伍仲偉
Gon Lo 盧振宗
Soames Lee 李匡翹
To Chi-sing 杜志星
Alan Cheng 鄭子煬
Alkon Wong 黃偉賢 
Ken Ho 何志成

Stage Manager/ Deputy Stage Manager 舞台及執行舞台監督
Karen Kwong 鄺嘉欣


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Light Flight the Night
Chloe Wong 黃靜婷

The merry-go-round surrounded by the city high-rises runs off a beam of light.
The isolated shadows begin to fly.
In the dark, the undistinguishable faces turn visible.
On the journey of light-searching, the crowd accidentally discovers a space to rest.
Will they, during the light-flight meet the initial states of themselves?


20-21 & 27-28/1 (Sat & Sun六及日)
7:15pm & 8:30pm

Location/ route 地點 / 路線

Elgin Street Children's Playground / Lan Kwai Fong Amphitheatre (Stone Slab Street)
伊利近街兒童遊樂場 / 蘭桂芳露天劇場 (石板街)

# Meeting Place 集合地點:
Elgin Street Children's Playground 伊利近街兒童遊樂場

Choreographer 編舞
Chloe Wong 黃靜婷

Performers 演出
Cyrus Hui 許俊傑
Rain Chan 陳伯顯
Evains Lui 呂沅蔚
Gabbie Chan 陳曉玲
Alice Ma 馬師雅
Li Lu 李露
Jessica Tang 鄧佩珊
Ho Ming-yan 何明恩

Music Designer 音樂設計
Moon Yip 葉卓棠 

Moving Image Assistant 影像製作助理
Ng Tsz-kwan 吳子昆

Lighting Design 燈光設計
iLight Production Ltd.

Costume Designer 服裝設計
Jo Leung 梁秀姸

Stage Manager/ Deputy Stage Manager  舞台及執行舞台監督 
Wong Shing-hang 黃誠鏗

Assistant Stage Manager 助理舞台監督 
Ho Yee-mei 何綺微 


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Curatorial & Production Team 策劃及製作團隊

Curator & Producer 策劃及監製
Orlean Lai 黎蘊賢 / orleanlaiproject

Creative & Production Partner 創作及製作伙伴
Ng Tsz-kwan 吳子昆 / yU+Co.[lab}

Project Manager 項目經理
Haze Cheng 鄭惠森

Project Coordinator 項目統籌
Genie Yuen 阮雅欣

Production Manager 製作經理
Kwok Wai-man 郭偉文

Assistant Production Manager 助理製作經理
Camille Tang 譚學臻

Graphic Design 視覺設計
Pollux Kwok 郭健超

Apps Design and Production 程式設計及製作


Presented by 主辦機構
Hong Kong Arts Development Council 香港藝術發展局

捐助機構 Funded by
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust 香港賽馬會慈善信託基金

Curated & Produced by 策劃及監製

more tags:

sound walk
contemporary dance


curator & producer


Turn Around (Again) 回

Sonic Encounter 隅遇聲景

跑龍套 / ke1 le1 fe1/ Carefree

Light Flight the Night 夜光飛行