Start Making Senses 理智與感應

on different sensory experience in new media technology dimension

Curated by 策劃:  Jamsen Law 羅琛堡

Reading Sound   閱讀聲音
Kingsley Ng   伍韶勁
31.07.2010 (Sat)

Sound can be transformed, manipulated, reconstructed and rearranged through specifically chosen materials, mediums and devices. The job of a media artist is to allow transmissions of sound wave between the art objects, our eardrums and channels for artistic experience. Kinsley, a multi-media installation artist, will share his attempts in media applications and the creation of sound installations, as well as to look into the experiments by different artists in different cultures and countries of the world.


What satisfy our Sci-Fi dreams in the future?

Bryan Chung   鍾緯正
15.08.2010 (Sun)

Gesture and motion can best be manifested through the coupling of full body interaction and audio/visual feedback. You can now experience a highly immersive environment from virtual navigation directory, sport games, playing with virtual musical instruments. How can artistic creations create surprises by manipulating these techniques? And what's next? Future interaction design demands the whole body participation, even your emotional engagement may trigger the interaction. Bryan will show you what might happen in future that is even more futuristic than sci-fi.

虛擬的搜尋介面、虛擬的運動程式、虛擬的樂器演奏漸漸變得不足為奇,但藝術創作又如何把玩這些技術去製造驚喜?未來的互動設計將會更加強調「全身」參與, 完全讓你投入虛擬互動的影音環境之中。不只是你的微細外觀、姿勢或動作被捕捉分析,還有你的情緒,都會可能成為觸動介面操作的工具。鍾緯正將展示更科幻的 未來聯想……

An Object, the Interface, and his Music
GayBird Leung   梁基爵
22.08.2010 (Sun)

With the technological advancements, there is no surprise to see people playing music with a laptop. And now, going beyond the conventional ideas of music making, musicians create their own instruments and interfaces to interact with their compositions. GayBird will share the results of his research and experiments on integrating materials and objects with interface technologies for interactive sounds and images, and tell how the application of new media gave an impact on his music-making.

音樂創作,從 analog 到電子,當人人手持 notebook 玩音樂,有人卻去研發另類樂器。雖然沒有弦線、也沒有共鳴箱,卻可以不一樣的方式去發掘物件 /物料的可塑性,結合介面技術,不同形態的物件也潛藏互動發聲的可能,甚至將音樂與影像連繫互動。不單示範,基爵將分享他的研究與嘗試,以及講解新媒體運 用如何影響他的音樂創作。

Presented by 主辦
Leisure and Cultural Services Department 康樂及文化事務署

31.07.2010 (Sat) /
15.08.2010 (Sun) /
22.08.2010 (Sun)

AC1, 4/F, Administration Building,
Hong Kong Cultural Centre

more tags:
media art, music, interactivity, technology, sensory experience

