Birds Sing Louder in the City
Vee Leong 馮程程 x Orlean Lai 黎蘊賢

sonic journey

In this city of hustle and bustle, not only birds are singing at their top of their lungs. Birds Sing Louder in the City invites audience to walk, listen, speak and be present here and there, to make harmonic screaming and to take the reverberation for their own. Daily resonances, field recordings, voice performances, and sound creations all come together as a call-out to people on the road.

時代喧囂,提高聲浪的不只是雀鳥。《Birds Sing Louder in the City》邀請觀眾於此處與彼處,步行、聆聽、說話、在場,重新標示出吶喊的泛音,將餘聲納為己有。生活雜訊、紀實錄音、人聲演出、聲音創作,一連迭聲, 呼喚走在繁華路上的同行你我。


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Birds Sing Louder in the City is one of the commissioning artwork under "Jockey Club ifva Everywhere New Work Series"
Birds Sing Louder in the City 為「賽馬會 ifva Everywhere 新作委約計劃」作品之一

Vee Leong 馮程程
(Concept, Voice 概念、人聲)
Text-based and intermedia artist

AK Kan 簡僖進
(Sound Design 音響設計)
Freelance sound designer and artist. He curated project - AK IN KK - Nature Field Recording HK.
自由身音響工作者,策劃了大自然聲音計畫《AK IN KK - Nature Field Recording HK》


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Creative / Production Team 創作/製作團隊

Concept 概念
Vee Leong 馮程程
Orlean Lai 黎蘊賢

Sound Design 音響設計
AK Kan 簡僖進

Developed with 共同創作
AK Kan 簡僖進
Kampo Tse 謝金寶
Ng Tsz-kwan 吳子昆

Voice 人聲
Lau Hiu-wa 劉曉樺
Vee Leong 馮程程
Remu Iwai 岩井 remu

Sound Operation 音響操作
Janis Fong 馮縈瑋
Travis Leung 梁梓豐
Sing Tang 鄧慧詩
Yoyo Yau 丘悠然

Porcelain Making 白瓷製作
Sara Tse 謝淑婷

Metal Work 鐵架製作
Tse Chun-sing 謝晋昇

House Programme Design 場刊設計
Pollux Kwok 郭健超

Acknowledgement 鳴謝
HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity 香港兆基創意書院
Cherry Lam 林伶慧
Nesta Or

Download house programme >

Nov 11-14 , 2020
*按登記時間 As registered time

Edinburgh Place, Central, Hong Kong

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more tags:

sound walk, field recording, vocal
